Monday, September 3, 2012


Today I was considering if I was brave enough to merge my Facebook page onto my personal Facebook page.  Would my old friends understand the new 'me' and did anyone want to see more positive affirmation posts?  I sat and thought about it for a while and then I pulled a card from my favorite oracle deck Earth Magic by Dr. Steven Farmer for the coming week for BoS readers...

Monday's Oracle Card - Clouds / Shapeshifting

In both subtle and more dramatic ways, you can shapeshift by your choice of clothing, hairstyle, adornments, and even mannerisms (such as facial expression, gesture, and the way you walk).  By adjusting these along with internal attitude, you can actually display different personas.
When you experiment with these variations of self-expression that are not how you ordinarily present yourself, others will react to you, depending on the degree in which your persona contrasts with the one they are most familiar with.
Be like the clouds as you try out different form, willing to move and adjust as necessary.
Lift your head up, square your shoulders, and stand tall such that your chest and heart open to the world, and note how this feels.  You may feel vulnerable at first, but stay with it.  Then let your shoulders fall forward slightly, pull your chest inward an inch or two, and let your head drop a little; observe how this feels.
Experiment with contracting your aura (your energy field), then expand it as far as you comfortably can.  By this kind of shapeshifting you can consciously choose your expression into the world.   Just remember who you are at the core.
 I love this message... I love it when magic happens...

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