Monday, August 20, 2012


Do you think technology can be 'spiritful'?

Many women today are trying to carve a better life and business for themselves by tapping into their inner desires.

So after a lot of long, hard soul searching you are almost there - you almost know what your heart needs to do... but you just need a little more coaching, a little more love and a little more care to step into the new you.

But how do you transform your heart's desire into a fully tangible product or service that you can present to the world?

You need someone who knows, someone who understands, someone who has been there and someone who is a whiz with WordPress and Facebook.

I read a comment just the other day (and I wish I could remember where), it said

'A Goddess should use her century.'  

Angel Sullivan knows how to use her century.

If you have doubts about combining a heart-felt business and technology read on...

Light From the Depths by Angel Sullivan

Today sees the first day that Angel offers her 'Light from the Depths' 6 week web-presence building ecourse.
"You’ve got an idea...
This luscious something that wants to step into the world
to serve your perfect people
with meaning, with truth, with fierce compassion.
And this idea needs some legs
needs a voice
needs a way to get out into the world and touch those it’s meant to touch.

It needs a website 

But not just any old website will do
though it also doesn’t need to be a website full of crazy bells and whistles
(which can actually distract from your message)
the website your luscious something needs,
is one that is full up with your very own ordinary magicks
(all the little bits and pieces of you that make you, you… the real you, minus all the masks & hiding)
Not only does your luscious something need that from you & its website…. your perfect people need that too.
they want what you have for them
let’s make it as easy as possible for them to learn about it once they get there, shall we?

Light from the Depths (beta)
You can find more information including price, sign-up form and details of the lesson plan on Angel's website My Mosiac Life.

The magic starts Monday September 3, 2012. 

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