Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Natural elements were used in the original painting to illustrate the seven chakras energy centers...

Bodhi Chakras Print by GPYoga aka Gabriela Pamplova

Etsy: GPYoga
Website: Gabriela Pamplova

The original painting is a mixed media on a lyon gesso.
I used some gifts of nature in this painting.
These organic elements are rubbed BODHI leaves (leaves of enlightenment) that form petals on the red, orange and purple flower. The white upward facing flower- the seat of infinity, fans out long pointed fossilized leaves.
The two base layers are done in acrylic paints.
What creates the mysterious veil that finishes the painting is done in oils.

It introduces 7 energy wheels in the magically interwoven net of NADIS= energy channels within our astral body (subtle body of the physical form). It's physical counterpart is the circulatory and nervous system.
The white straight line through the center of the painting represents the main Nadi path, SUSHUMNA. Its counterpart in the physical body is the spine.
The lit intertwined lines symbolize another two major nadis Ida and Pingala.
Ida=the feminine, cold aspect of the moon, shady side of a mountain
Pingala=the masculine, warm aspect of the sun, the sunny side of a mountain.

They run from the red root chakra up to the purple Ajna chakra where they exit through the nostrils. On this painting I pictured the endings of the nadis as two spirals above the crown flower.
Ida and Pingala are time-bound and end at the third eye center.
However, a yogi moves beyond the time line of duality and Maya-illusion and enters the state of non-dual consciousness in the main Sushumna passage.
 Connect with Gabriela on Etsy.

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